



Codes and


Other fun


Usually Draw Cartoony characters, sometimes fanarts, 3D scuplts and animation!

Since the site is still under construction I don't have much to share

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Pick any category below!

Original Art



3D models




Original artworks from 2025-2024

These artworks will be added to... Original Art section later

The dragon guide

Artwork inspired by a dream where the pictured dragon was putting my and other 50 people on innocent rials. If you passed every task and finish all of them, he grands you a wish. Here's Future link to a short story

So far the link doesn't work unfortunately.

Splash art Rax

My first attempt for a splash art like artwork, making it cool epic and having more thought in composition

Fun fact: I use this as my desktop wallpaper XD

Splash art of Visorella

Supposedly I planned her to draw last for splash but I got idea for her pose earlier

It's possible her design might drastically change as I'm not completely satisfied with her design

She's also only character that isn't properly figured out. She takes a role of tokusatsu heroine but I might change everything aboout her or only a little. Still... I feel like I'm getting cloer for fleshing out her and actually make her an interesting character.

Rilyfee Splash art

so far my last splash art of my magical girl team.

NOTE: Starceress splash art is yet to be drawn!

Codename human poster with Delaton(villain) dominant verison on LEFT, Clara dominant(Protagonis) on the right

These posters is much much bigger personal project of a pentalogy. Wanting them as a animated film series. But idk. Maybe it could be a novel or long ass running comic novel series.

Firye path concept poster

Just a concept for a cartoon series for children. With girl with no memory appearing in strange world of Firyes (The colorul creatures) and travel around it's world helping others, some shenaninagns and reaching the top of the ONLY world's mountain that has a larbe beam coming out it, while the mysterious darkness follow them.

That is all so far. Hope you enjoyed these pictures"

My button for webrings!



Artfight 2021 Artfight 2021 Artfight 2021 Artfight 2021

Useful sites

Czech helpful site for coding


Cool sites!

Credits 1999-2025, kajibojki

Most of the code is made by me. For useful codes used on this site I have't made, clickCODES/RESOURSCES